Is it too early to play my Opeth DVD? Nah, nothing wrong with a little black metal in the morning.
I'm feeling very strong today. Which is good because where I'm getting inked, is going to hurt like a mutha. I'm getting mentally prepared for the delicious pain. I love this ritual.
Played poker last night and had a few malt beverages. I wasn't sure if I wanted to play but I'm so glad I did, yeah I can see how that could become addictive. I didn't win, but husband won one. We basically broke even. It was no limit hold 'em tournament style. Good times.
Ack! I hate scalpers
I just paid 90 bucks on ebay for a velvet revoler ticket at the 9:30 club. I wouldn't have done it but a friend from NC was able to get a ticket on the presale and is staying here with me so I can't not go. I hate not having access to the internet at work
Well at least I have a ticket now
90's not too bad I guess.
Goddamn Opeth is good. So driving and complex. Ok I'm done.
love to you all,
I'm feeling very strong today. Which is good because where I'm getting inked, is going to hurt like a mutha. I'm getting mentally prepared for the delicious pain. I love this ritual.
Played poker last night and had a few malt beverages. I wasn't sure if I wanted to play but I'm so glad I did, yeah I can see how that could become addictive. I didn't win, but husband won one. We basically broke even. It was no limit hold 'em tournament style. Good times.
Ack! I hate scalpers

Goddamn Opeth is good. So driving and complex. Ok I'm done.
love to you all,

woohoo ~ new ink. may it be deliciously productive seductive pain.