Supreme naughtiness today with the american express card. This is what happens when you're bored at work and wind up at tower records on your lunch break. Purchases include but are not limited to (too embarrased to post entire spree):
Underworld - wasn't going to buy this one but I'm a sucker for Vampire movies (get it-sucker-yuk! yuk!)
Alice In Wonderland (Disney) - For those lonely nights when it's just me and a bottle of Robitussin Max Strength
Mr. Show 3rd Season - Bob Odenkirk and David Cross -classic.
Foo Fighters Live dvd - What can I say I love Dave Grohl.
Crystal Method-Legion of boom - good stuff
Elliot Smith-Figure Eight - I'm not sure why but the only music of his I own is on the Good Will Hunting soundtrack. I decided to remedy that today.
I looked for Robert Wyatt but they didn't have any in stock.
That's all I'm admitting to for now. Enough about me and shopping.
Just your basic day here in happy town. Well I did make a major decision today. I am stopping a relationship that has gone on too long and no longer serves any purpose. Tears will be shed -on my end- probably not on the other end, which is the problem. Unemotional, not one sign for caring. "two tears in a bucket - mother fuck it"
Fear of judgement is a bitch isn't it? I'm a real "life is too short to pass up an opportunity" kind of gal but I am not without guilt.
To what lengths will you go to find happiness?
KoS I thought you were going to pick me up last night so we could head down to see arachnequarius??
Underworld - wasn't going to buy this one but I'm a sucker for Vampire movies (get it-sucker-yuk! yuk!)
Alice In Wonderland (Disney) - For those lonely nights when it's just me and a bottle of Robitussin Max Strength

Mr. Show 3rd Season - Bob Odenkirk and David Cross -classic.
Foo Fighters Live dvd - What can I say I love Dave Grohl.
Crystal Method-Legion of boom - good stuff
Elliot Smith-Figure Eight - I'm not sure why but the only music of his I own is on the Good Will Hunting soundtrack. I decided to remedy that today.
I looked for Robert Wyatt but they didn't have any in stock.
That's all I'm admitting to for now. Enough about me and shopping.
Just your basic day here in happy town. Well I did make a major decision today. I am stopping a relationship that has gone on too long and no longer serves any purpose. Tears will be shed -on my end- probably not on the other end, which is the problem. Unemotional, not one sign for caring. "two tears in a bucket - mother fuck it"
Fear of judgement is a bitch isn't it? I'm a real "life is too short to pass up an opportunity" kind of gal but I am not without guilt.
To what lengths will you go to find happiness?
KoS I thought you were going to pick me up last night so we could head down to see arachnequarius??

Great shopping spree, at least I will be entertained when I drop by unannounced
As far as the decision goes sweetie, if this is what you feel is the right thing to do, then it must be done. I hate that you feel the way you do, but you cant just drift thru life making others happy all the time. Do what is best for you and happiness will no longer be a hopeless quest, it will be inside you till the day you pass.
Remember, he's a guy, and therefore there may not be emotion on the face, but you never know whets going on in the heart. I am sure that it will be emotional for him as well, just hang in there, and dont let it bother you.
I just hope I dont have to ride the killer 900 down for a rib kicking event.
Much love,