spring and romance are in the air love

I'm watching Big Fish right now. Good movie. Did you like it? I'm guessing this is a Tim Burton biased crowd though tongue I could watch movies day and night and night and day.

there is something wrong with my lappytoppy computer. I keep getting all these popups. It doesn't seem to be affecting Mozilla so I'm using that,...
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"I could watch movies day and night and night and day"

I think i love you!!! love love love
Big Fish was great. My wife and I saw it too close to when her dad died, though. The funeral scenes were tough.

I'll second the Mozilla comment. Also, it seems to keep the boss away. IE is easier to spy on.

I've thought about Lasik, but generally my glasses don't bother me enough for the money it would cost. Also, for some reason the Air Force is correcting everyone's vision wit another procedure. Finally, I just haven't done enough research on side effects (poor night vision for one).
Maynard is trully a unique talent for sure....and APC is an amazing combinations of guys....and no I have not heard about the differences between M and B, makes sense though....Billy writes all the music...and Maynard.....probably just a case of touring for so long...ya know?

What up with the new TooL dvd and cd? Fill a brother in!

Justin for sure! Peace. BP
oh my peaches and cream, babygirl, it sounds like things are ROCKING OUT for you!! yay!!!!! making the me so the happy. it is wonderful to be growing and changing in tandemy goodness. you really seem to be thriving/blossoming lately and that is soooo great. based on information on the left, it seems that something in the way of love has rekindled, yes?

oh, and i am unabashed in my love of justin ~ seriously. so, anyone infinitely cooler such as sir above is most welcome. biggrin kiss
Banshee has had quite a week my friends...

Monday I went to lunch with a new friend who has already become a big part of my life biggrin

Tuesday morning I got a flat tire on my way to work about a mile from my house, I picked up what was like a large heavy duty tack. I was able to get that fixed for thirteen...
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Enjoy the concert, I know you will! Hope this next week is a great week for ya, too smile

Did I tell you I'm going to their concert again at the end of May? biggrin
WOW that was a fun filled week!!! so what are you just not going to drive your car anymore wink???
Today. Was unbelievable. I'm still not sure it actually happened. My memories assure me otherwise.

Thursday, 29 April 2004
what happened babygirl?

and i would LOVE for you to come down blush GEOGRAPHICALLy confused to see me! you would be soooo welcome anytime! we could go hang in wilmington or something. or just marvel in the wonders of durham. woo!
Unbelievable things happen to unbelievable people smile and you are unbelievable in the good way!!!
Thanks so much for taking the time to go to Nothingtoogreat's journal and posting. You are just the sweetest lil motorcycle babe i know.
I hope all is well, and that i get the details on the goods soon. You sure know how to build anticipation dontcha?

Much love doll,

Bjork's Venus As A Boy

His wicked sense of humor
Suggests exciting sex
His fingers focus on her
Touches, he's venus as a boy.

He believes in beauty
He's venus as a boy
He believes in beauty
He believes in beauty
He's venus as a boy
He believes in beauty

He's exploring
The taste of her
So accurate
He sets off
The beauty...
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Trip on this.....I work for a motorcycle magazine...and I get the whole bike thing.....I have been riding since I was 4!

And yes...TooL is an amazing group.....trully thoughtful song writing and structure, as well as incredible musicianship. APC is pretty killer too. If you like TooL, check out Peach...the band that Justin (bass player in TooL) used to be in. Also Highly recomended...The Mars Volta.

Oh yeah..lastly...can I be your friend? Please?

"meet you on the other side" BP
so does that make you a 1%er??? hehehe
What a bunch of heathens! wink Thank you for your thoughts on the god subject.

Went to the movies tonight. Who said Kill Bill V2 was disappointing? I liked it more than the first one.

I had an excellent day at work. I wish every day could be this good kiss

What is the first movie you can recall seeing sex in? Mine is Risky Business starring...
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i think mine was either Fast times at ridgemont High or H.O.T.S biggrin the latter i still have on tape
baby girl, i ALWAYS have time for YOU!! it might be a weird time, like 6:49am, but time. kiss

as for a whole month, jeebus!! not necessarily. there are different plans and possibilities depending on what you want to accomplish. i don't know how much time/$ you could invest, but i seriously recommend the overall perspective of this woman because she presents a range of options in her books. also, if you want to start with a cleanse, but not necessarily jump right into fasting, these products were created by an extremely well respected colon therapist who makes stuff you can use with or without fasting.

anyway, not to push my particular style or anything, but i find this kind of stuff helpful. i personally cannot fast for more than a few days b/c i will get wonky. also, if you detox too quickly, you could make yrself sick. puke nobody wants that! but a good cleanse can be really fabaluss. not like i am any expert, but i could also photocopy & mail you some stuff if you wish.

ok, off again. kiss
OUCHY! My arm is sore! But I am happy with the tattoo. smile It's still not done, going to go back in about a month to finish it up. Add color throughout and more of the main design. I started this little venture back in 1994 with a small flower and it has grown into a tribal cover up/fix up. If I could start fresh today...
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I'm going to see APC *again* at the end of May... what's this about Maynard dropping outta APC?! You gotta tell me more, I don't think I'd go if Maynard dropped out of it.

I'm a very non-religious person, and I waver between agnostic and atheist. I'd be interested in anything relating religion/spirituality if it were logical. I'm a very logical person, and if something doesn't make sense, or there's no proof to back it other than blind belief, then chances are I won't really go for it.
Congrats on the tattoo. I have heard the cover-up tattoo story from a few people. Which brings up a question? Have you considered trying to get it removed, instead of covered up? I know the cover-up route is much cheaper, but I just wonder how much better the art would be when tattooing over an attempted removal.

On to religion: I do believe in one true God. I was also raised Catholic, and miss it sometimes. I married a Methodist and we attend her church when we are at her folks house on Sundays. I like the preacher and the church friends very much, but I miss the ceremony of a Catholic mass. The ritual I like better than confession is communion. Catholics have an actual transformation into the body and blood; other religions just have a representation of the last supper.

Thats enough on religion for now.
Heya beautiful.....
Thanks for being so cool and posting in my journal on a regular basis. You have come to mean a lot to me and i really thank you from the bottom of my heart for the well wishes that you have sent me over the past few months. You have proven to be an awesome friend time and time again, i just want you to know how special you are in my heart.
Remember the my journal post a bit back about the song / lyrics??? The sont that got me to thinking about that and moved me was Peter Gabriel and Kate Bush singing "Dont Give Up". Dunno why it moved me the way it did, it just did, and i am not ashamed about it.
I hope that you are doing well, and that all that you hope for is falling into your life like apple blossom petals.
Much love and admiration,
what is up, babydoll?
Is it too early to play my Opeth DVD? Nah, nothing wrong with a little black metal in the morning.

I'm feeling very strong today. Which is good because where I'm getting inked, is going to hurt like a mutha. I'm getting mentally prepared for the delicious pain. I love this ritual.

Played poker last night and had a few malt beverages. I wasn't sure...
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correction ~ red is ALWAYS better than blonde. miao!! miao!! wink love

woohoo ~ new ink. may it be deliciously productive seductive pain. kiss
soymilk is good especially when poured over raisin bran.

I don't want to think right now. In fact I'm incapable of it. I'm on autopilot. Landing could be bumpy.

How about a little Sinead O'Connor. This song has, several times, led me to tears.

this is the last day of our acquaintance
I will meet you later in somebody's office
I'll talk but you won't...
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*nods* I'm at that stage with a friendship now.
i adore this song ~ her voice is so hauntig ~ especially in the last chorus with the echoes. *shudder*

sometimes autopilot is good ~ a saf(ish) detatchment. but when you decide to land, however roughly, we are here. kiss
What's fun is going 110mph on I-495 and not getting caught. Supreme naughtiness in my car tonight.

Met up with friends in Maryland for some good conversation and eats. Lovely eyes there too, mmmm. Alcohol count for today was two beers at lunch and three at dinner (three big glasses). I wasn't planning on the lunch booze but WTF it was peer pressure biggrin I am...
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Hello friends. Excellent day today. I seem to have unlimited energy. Had an entertaining day at work (you sir are naughty). Jack and I had lunch at our favorite place with our favorite bartender tending to us. Fucking-A she is hot. She gives Jack and I free drinks smile We didn't have any alcoholic refreshments today however. Hot-bartender does not like it when we don't drink....
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Monkey love? ooo aaa
now that is a better use for that unlimited energy eeek

Good night smile