HEYYYYYYYYY, hope you are all well.Its currently floatin around the 100 degree mark here and im chillin in the ac, m indin my own damn business.My beautiful baby is almost ready.You do know in talkin about the money pit that is my 65 Lincoln Continental convertible.Should be done this week and ill be out rollin with the top down.$4600 just into the motor, so you just know something else is gonna go , she is almost 40, so its semi expected.Must be true love, she needs money and i give it to her.Im jonesin for some new ink , but i havent had the extra ching ching for that, i may have to whore myself out.Enjoy the weather my friends, you know your gonna just bitch when its cold and snowy.I think i will now go out sand expose myself...wanna join me?
....soooo...do you think you still wanna do an art show in Oct? just wanna know so i can plan some shit ahead of time. i'll be gone for the month of sept so I want to shoot ahead of time and with your stuff i was gonna do a naked theme.
my email is amkeller@wi.rr.com
let me know!!
ps- can't wait to see emylou