Youd think if i wasnt gonna sleep, id have found the time to update sometime this weekend.Put in a long day at work on friday just in time to get home & get cleaned up to begin pre festivities for the Cherrypops / Lockjaw show here on friday night.Friends came in from all over the states for this and the following night 's CRUE show.After great sets by all the bands , everyone was invited back to my boy JAKKIS house and the madness lasted all the next day.There was enough alcohol to keep a regular bar open for a week and just as many other party favors. I bagged out at 6am cuz i had to work for a few hours on sat morning.That turned into all day and i was tired , but i now had more cash on hand for the Motley show.I got back home with about an hour or so till i had to get in the shower and get glammed up again.Got down to the venue and began refueling on Pina Coladas cuz the beer lines were rediculous and i dont like beer anyways.The stage set up was all circus themed, under the big top with clowns as roadies and dancing girls who did cirque de soloeil type acts on stage while they played, all hosted by a midget ringmaster.Tommy Lee even had kabuki style face paint on.All the old shit for 45 minutes with a 10 minute intermission , onto an hour of everything else follwed by an encore featuring Helter skelter and anarchy uk.My only complaint was the venue.Slow old idiots runnin the beer / alcohol lines , and the spacing on the floor section made my 10th row seats, feel like 20th anywhere else.Oh well, im hooked up for Madison anf Green bay so i ll live.Romours abounded as to where the boys would go and we ended up at the most likely of strip clubs, who ended up playin mostly motley tunes the rest of the night but no Motley ever showed. An after was again held at Jakkis and somehow 9 girls and only him and i were there.My own brother never even showed.Again i got no sleep and ended up a zombie all of sunday, went gocery shopping , spent too much on food(who the hell needs $250 worth of groceries) watched deadwood and finally got some sleep.A new week, im rested and im still alive. All i know is one day ill look back and ill know i never had to say "if only i wouldve............"
i left a ton of details out to protect the innocent and the people who love them, who may stumble across this, if youve ever read my entries before and more so if you know me, you probably understand the things that went on both evenings at the afterbars.Nuff said

I'm totally pissed that I missed the Crue show. Sounds like you had a great time, was there an opener?
If they make it back I am totally going to see them this time. I can't believe I missed out... OH well.
NIN is playing near me in May, I'm thinking about selling my soul for tickets to that! lol I used to go to mega concerts but I'm slacking in my old age.