Someone stole my digital camera last evening, and im in a very foul fucking mood over it. I use that fucker all the time.I was havin such a great time last night and then it disappeared.So Ted Nugent and Toby Kieth are in town this evening and ive reported before my friend Dean is his long time guitar tech and stage manager. He had off last night and we took him out before his wife drives down from Green Bay for the show tonight.Jessie is the shiznit.She is a full on SUICIDE GIRL if ever there was one.Back to my evening.I didnt know a bunch of the crew and others were coming out with us, and it turns out Teds son Tobey decided to hang out with us.The clubs mgr is a friend and to be annoying i asked her to punch up some Nuge on thier computer fed jukebox.I stupidly told her why LOL.Next thing you know our whole group gets swarmed thinking that we're some big rock stars but no one was quite sure who we might be. I had a lil fun playin it down , that 'hey we're off tonight just tryin to relax, blah, blah ,blah.Its got to be rough havin everyone kiss your ass on a daily basis. I didnt pay for a drink for a few hours last night. Good times.Oh i did forget to mention, Teds kid is a Calvin Klein model.Such a rough life hes had. He was very cool, and down to earth.maybe ill get to toss a few back with Toby Kieth again tonight. For the locals go to need2xcap2 's page and get the info for her party tommorrow night.I would really like to meet up with a bunch of you i havent had the opportunity to drink with as of yet.

Sorry about the cam..
who should i beat up? I am fine. the mudslides in oceanside are not near me!!

creepy lurker creepy lurker!!!!