SUGGESTIONS WANTED Win a piece of original artwork Anybody remember a band called Saigon Kick? They had a cheesy love ballad back in the day called "LOVE IS ON THE WAY", that was not even close to what that band was about.Anyway, i was a fan of that band(still am),and they had a song called WATER.Part of the chorus goes 'stop me from drinking the water in which i drown'.I did a painting based on that lyric years ago, that i just pulled out of storage.(i hate downsizing pics to fit here so im not showing it, that and i dont want it to influence what im tryin here today).What i wanna do is a series of paintings, 20 actually, based on suggestions received from lyrics that mean something to you, my S.G. friends.Your screen name and the lyric will be the title/subtitle for each piece.So to all of you that enter this , if i get too many suggestions, i will ask my friends thier opinoins and whittle it down to a top 20.Once there i will post them and ask you all to vote for your favorite.Whatever the top vote is, the person who suggested it will get the original piece delivered by UPS all paid for by me. What i need from you is: A specific lyric that can be adapted literally or figureatively to a drawing/painting,The song it comes from, and the artist sung by.I was gonna do this all on my own ,but thought this might be more fun.I hope alot of you take part as i would like to see where alot of you come at me with this. All right screw it , if you go to my pics under artwork i put it up as older artwork ,get it,got it ,good.
Just to give a lil update ive gotten a few very workable entries but more more more are wanted, keep em comin.....

im sitting all by my lonesome....til brett comes car is in the shop...i cant even shop today cause school tonight too...thanks so much for the stripper event it rocked....