I think that i may have posted, one of my very good friends(Jessie Green) married a professional roadie.His name is Dean and he is Ted Nugents personal guitar tech.So tommorrow, Ted's opening for Toby Keith. Now im not a big fan of country, but i find Toby mildly amusing.So i get to go to the show, and hang out with Ted and Toby for an early dinner, and then theres a big birthday celebration after the show for Jessie, and everyone is comin to help her celebrate.Should be a very interesting evening. Marked Mondays was cool the other night, but i didnt win one of the paintings i wanted.The collaborative drawing thing turned out great again and the guy who tattooed my chest brought down this little goth/punk chick for me to hook up with.Arent my friends thoughtful?However my favorite bartender in the whole world was workin and two of her friends were hangin out and the hot one started chattin me up.Good night for me! Anyway i didnt really hear her when she told me her name ,so i feel like an idiot.BUT....she asked me to come down to the bar she works at on saturday night and im gonna have to play slick till i hear someone else call her name.Pathetic, but it works.
I never got your email btw, maybe got stuck in my spam filter? Try me again!