For all my Milwaukee friends and some of you from within a 100 or so miles.Tonite at CUSH is Sacred Skins second go 'round for hosting Marked Mondays.There will be free shit including but not limited to T-shirts, condoms , tattoo gift certificates(NEEDIE if your comin , i found the one i said you could have),and mr,Hazelton,aka,sillytattoonuts is giving away some original pieces of his artwork.I am going just for a chance at that myself.Same as last time there will be 3 easels put up in front for collaborative drawing.So come on down to Oakland & North , grab a pencil and a cocktail, and show em what ya know.Inked4life ,Thesacred, & DjB will be a few of the peeps hangin out along with me.I wish a whole bunch of you were closer and could make it down tonite.I promise swhen i hit the lottery, im personally flyin everyone on my friends list down to the Bahamas for a 2 week vacation.I really mean that.

do you really mean that ? flyin everyone to bahamas ;-)
how often do you play the lottery? ok now double that each day you haven't won yet.