I got sick somewhere along my New Years weekend.Not too much to say cuz ive been doin nothin but layin around since Sunday night.Im tryin to get some cleaning done around here.I can honestly say i disgust myself.I havent pulled my bed or nightstands out for at least two years to clean behind and i cant even begin to tell you how much dog hair and other crap is behind everything.Mental note to self"dont be so F#$%^n lazy when it comes to cleaning"!! Im not really a slob, in fact im a pretty clean person and most stuff has its place, but my bedroom for some reason gets skipped when it comes to movin crap out to get at every little nook and cranny.This will have to be a new begining to my clean up duties.While i was gone, sillytattoonuts christened his ICE BAR, so who knows when ill get to see that.Heard his party was a success .My favorite bar is no longer around as the last night was New Years Eve.DjB had his last night at the ROCK SHOP and is currently lookin for a new location to bring my fair city live rock n roll entertainment.I guess i picked a good time to slow down.im not drinkin or any other party favors for about 3 months or so, cuz id like to lose about 30 pds and get back in shape for once.There will be a few exceptions to this though, 1. goin to L.A. in feb for a friends birthday and im definetly goin out in LaLA land 2.Motley Crue weekend here, im gonna live it up like its 1987 and then ill go clean livin till around June or so when fun season hits.Anyone else set any goals?
The one that you saw, did i have my skirt 1/2 way unzipped??? I still cant figure out why it was like that...