Im addicted to myspace.I keep findin real life friends all over the damn place there. Great show last night, he (BUTCH WALKER)did a few things different than sundays show in Chicago. Early though, doors were at 5:00 and i was home by 9:00.An hour later i felt like id never left the house and i only drank sprite.A few friends were drunk from the bar next door and were quite irritating, bieng loud and rude during the queiter moments.I wonder if thats how i am when im drunk.I hope not. Id like to think im a happy, but fairly in contol drunk.Im sure a few of you will weigh in on thism, so be honest F#$%^#S!! Gonna go paint me a mannequin now, CIAO

thanks alot 

I wonder stuff like that all the time. Last night I was at this bar and some fucking girl kept leaning over me and rubbing against me and just so fucked up that she was just being rude and obnoxious. I have no idea who she was but i felt like askin her if she wanted to sit on my lap, she was practically there already. I hope i am not like that when i get drunk.