My mother told me today she has an annuerism on her Aorta.That my friends is not good.My father retired with a great pension and awesome benefits about 3 years ago, and then the co. and all the things that went with it pulled an ENRON and claimed bankruptcy and now they have shit.So no insurance to cover an insane bill to operate on the fuckin annuerism.I have around $10,000 and my brother around $12,000 that we've decided to give my parents for X-mas, but i dont think its enough.My mom was tellin me she's gonna divorce my father , just so he's not burdened with a ton of bills if she dies.Apparently she was told theres no immediate threat or danger,but it has to be taken care of fairly soon.Im not even close tp considering being ready to concieve of the thought of losing my mother.I need a drink.After i pray.
sorry to hear 'bout that.