I love to come home from work and get good mail. I got a new credit card with a nice big limit, that i forgot i applied for.What to buy?One year ago i had no credit and work was sketchy at best, and now ive got decent credit , work couldnt be better, and im starting to look into buying my first home.Fuck, it took me forever to grow up, but if i could do it anyone can.I know what a cliche' that is , but it fits.Im still a fuck up from time to time, but im a responsible, functioning fuck up now.My camera that i paid for JULY 30th still hasnt even been shipped out yet,WTF.I wanted to post pics of my tat work as its comin along, but by the time i get it all im gonna be able to show is finished work.Im bidding on this really kool, old skool Triumph chopper, rolling chassis on E-Bay, but its goin up pretty fast.I want it very much, but i gotta keep things real yo! for now anyways.Ill go up to $ 1800, and then biuld it up over winter, but the whole house buyin thing keeps the toys to a minimum.I am bound and determined to have a bike by next summer. Any locals comin out Saturday for sillytattoonuts's birthday bash at DjB's club the ROCK SHOP ?Some of you F@#$%#S better show up . Really, id like to hang out with some new faces.Hope to see some of you out, otherwise EVERYONE of you beautiful people in S.G. land have a great weekend.
thanks for making sure I got home ok, and I'm serious I'll totally be your guinea pig