The dumb things i do when im bored...... i havent really seen my face with out facial hair in a long,long time..... till today. Now i remember why, im not diggin it.No goatee, no sideburns, nothin.Im glad it grows fast.When did i get this vain , that i care about something so stupid as a little hair? The funny thing is i think i could shave my head before id shave my face again.Arent i a little bitch?Ive decided im stayin in this weekend, i have been blowin way too much money on drinks and drugs.Instead im gonna go get a few mannequins and some wood and ill stretch a few canvases and try to be productive with my artwork.I was tryin to think of a cool idea for an S.G. mannequin.I thought of maybe takin one of my favorite pics and reproducing it on the torso of the mannequin , but then id have to limit it to a max of 2 pics per mannequin which doesnt really satisfy me , as far as a "theme" goes. Any one else have any ideas?I also wanted to work on an idea i have for Cureelise's titty fuck t-shirts she wants to do.Dont worry sweetie i havent forgotten you. Its about time i start painting on a regular basis again.
so, in otherwards, I wont be seeing you for ANOTHER week...whoa.
Some people are meant to have facial hair, and some are not. My husband looks like a trailer park adolescent if he tries to grow a stache. So he decided to buy one instead, and that's even worse...