Nice and easy day at work today,done by 12,swing over to mom-n-dads to clean thier carpet andnow im home relaxing with cold 2 day old pizza.I wish there were more left.So now i have this really big centerpiece outlined on my chest and i want to get it finished but,holy crap im not lookin forward to that gun on my sternum again.Oh well, ya gotta suffer for art or somethin like that.2 days to go till i go to Chicago for the weekend,A room at the HARD ROCK HOTEL,get to see BUTCH F@#$%N WALKER,2 nights,one acoustic the other rawked out, and a bunch of shoppin for everything i can find around CLARK and BELMONT.Whos gonna be around down there?sweetavenue and miss formerly known as ShiCawGo better get back to me as i would like to at least make thier aquaintance among others from the area. Somebody get back to me..................Im waitin!!!!!

about butch walker,no one told us,whats up?
hard rock on fri(free but limited i heard)
sat abbey pub 15.00
didnt know i know we arent out but hey......
whose all going and when.....
would love to go