Grannies no better, no worse, and so for the time being ill try to be business as usual. My tat appt from last Thursday is now this coming Monday and apparently it'll be free. Cello, the owner of Sacred Skin is still fine tuning his area of the shop. He doesnt have an E- bay account and doenst have a clean credit card to open a pay-pal account,BUT, I DO.He decided he wanted a bunch of stuff from E-bay and so he'll call at odd times telling me to bid/buy now on assorted items.He's payin for them,but for buggin me he said he'd tat me free of charge. He asked me if i wanted to hang out there and be the "phone bitch" cuz apparently the guys find me entertaining,and i could get paid with ink.The only reason for me to decline is i make good money from my "real" job and when i get done with that everyday, i wanna relax,and so i will have to pass unless i can come and go as i feel. At the very least its nice that people want me around. Funny thing is, i remember being so shy, i could never start up a conversation with anyone.If i was into a girl.........FORGET ABOUT IT!! I couldnt get hello out of my mouth.I still might need a moment to get my courage up, but give me the smallest opening and i wont shut up. Its so entertaining to myself to ponder the person i use to be.Thats only one aspect of it.Theres so much different from 1,2,5, 15,(and so on) yrs ago .Which brings me back to my grandma.My grandparents and great-grandparents lived in an apt. complex across from each other till i was about 7.One morning i went from grannies to great grandmas and she was fixin breakfast. A large grapefruit cut in half on 2 plates,A little cottage cheese on the side and a sprinkle of sugar on top of the grapefruit.Being 5 yrs old I DEMANDED that i get a piece.G.G. naturally said you wont like it.Im sure you can imagine where it goes from there. After much patience with a 5 yr old throwing a tantrum over what he knows he wants and likes,she set a small plate aside for me,maybe at most 1/4 of the grapefruit."Now im giving you this under the condition that you are to eat it all.If you dont no playtime(or some other ultra-harsh punishment).Remember i told you you'll hate it". When you are 5, a quarter grapefruit looks to be the size of a basketball after that first retched bite where you know ,even at 5,you've just been put in your place.Took me about an hour(eternity) to eat it all,and eventually i got to go play or whatever, But i never ,ever questioned my Great grandma again.To this day i cant eat grapefruit.

been extremely busy with bullshit stuff,running from one dr.appt to the next.
hope your doing well and taking care,need to give you the candles still maybe this weekend
see ya soon