All the bands i wanted to see went on early and thank god for that.Im sunburnt as F@#K!!!! dummy me forgets my sunglasses and i only put the sunblock on my sleeve. Besides my face, im literally a REDNECK.Sugarcult was great,NEw FoUnd Glory sounded awesome without all the studio polish,but Lars Frederickson and the Bastards killed.He looks like a full blown biker with his hair down and all in black.I tend to listen to the poppier shit,but i saw a bunch of the emo-core stuff and it was all right.But fuck i feel old at a show like that.Some of those kids dont even know who the fuck BAD RELIGION is,seein as they dont go the Mtv route.And when did little girls get so developed? They werent like that when i was in high school.What kinda hormone growth shit are kids eatin these days?Anyway i gotta get to bed big day tomorrow at work and when i get home i hope to find out whats goin on with the bike i wanna buy.Apparently its over in Europe and hes gonna ship it to me.Sounds a bit fishy,but im prayin its the real deal.Good night all.

Cocoa butter whipped with olive oil works wonders for sunburn.
Post Scriptum:
I know what you mean about feeling old at concerts.