I guess im done with yesterdays problem.In more ways than one.Good bye,see ya ,adios,ciao baby.So today was a good work/money day,thatll make this weekends trip a little easier,if it happens.One friends hypochondriac wife is a setback,anothers stepfather died so thats understandable,another snapped a tendon (ouch),so he's excused and now its supposed to rain all weekend.Now that would make the rafting part fun,but the camping part will suck.If i stay home , i can put 2 more new tires on my truck that are needed badly,ill have more money for WARPED TOUR next tuesday, and a few more Lap dances next saturday at my friend Craigs bachelor party.I dont care one way or another,im just waitin 1 more day, cuz i got a feelin the scales tippin toward stayin in town.Anyone elses plans up in the air. Wanna come campin in the rain?
Have a great time tonight Brother. Drop a couple dollar bills for me.
hey, not a big fan of the rain.