Apparently the fact that i have a life and get out and see the world or at least my corner of it,is a problem for some.While i do enjoy my time at the computer,in particular,the time i spend at S.G. and corresponding with my friends here(YOU GUYS ALL RAWK!!!), i prefer to get out and interact amongst real live human beings.So i will continue to do as ive been,I'll be here and I'll post,I'll read your posts and respond accordingly,when possible I'll do anything I can to put a smile on your faces,buy you a drink,make you think,or stick some dumb ass song in your head.But if you dont like what i do or the things i say,just dont bother me.Go live your life stuck in a rut,i got things to do .For everyone else i like,im sendin out all my love.Have a great day!!
"I remember my high shool teacher,she used to say i was a high school creature and now my boss,he says i am a lost cause....Thats why they call me a FREAK,cuz i dont wanna be like everybody else....... Im all alone in a crowd, i wanna shout it out loud,the voices inside my head,cant hear a thing that you said,they tell me where you can go, i think you already know that you are the one who is weak,thats why you call me a FREAK cuz i dont wanna be like everybody else...."Brynn Arens- FLIPP Im on a FLIPP kick(thank youdespairfactor)

talk to u soon..............