THANX and MUCH LOVE to ALL of you beautiful people who wished me a happy birthday.You all RAWK!!!! Prince was freakin fantastic.My years of being a very generous bartender paid off huge.A scalper i know through a mutual friend gave me 8th row center for $150 bucks.As i walked down to my seat i realized that ill pay for good seats eveytime i go to see a band/performer i like.Well worth it.He played for about 2-1/2 hours and didnt pull alot of the multi song,medley crap ive seen him do in the past.An acoustic version of LIL RED CORVETTE,into RASPBERRY BERET was really cool.Hes got so many tunes i wanted to hear,but........ i took it easy on Friday night,meaning i went home,after bar time,went to work at 6:00am got home by 2:00pm and went to SUMMERFEST to see my friend DAMIAN play.I dont know who blew who, but his band moved to L.A. 7yrs. ago and yet they get a great slot every year.Its been like 13yrs runnin that BIG BANG THEORY has played the rock stage.Anyway back home after food,and then out for the night.My friends JAKKKI and Steve , and I met my brother and some relatives who were in MIlwaukee from NORWAY for a wedding and my brothers daughters BAPTISM(YES YOU SHALL REFER TO ME AS GODFATHER) at On the border ,a gentlemans club .Suffice it to say i was trashed before we got back to the car and a very good time was had by all.Can u say LAP-DANCE?As we were walking in to what was not supposed to be our last stop of the evening,The Rock Shop, i was spotted by the bartender who had my drink(JACK-n-COKE) and shot,honest to god it was a full glass,JAEGER BOMB in front of me as i stepped up to the bar.The rest of the night is a blur,A shit eatin grin blur ,but a blur none the less.I remember bits and pieces, but in talkin to Jakki on sunday there's quite a bit i dont remember.Good times!!Woke up at 7:30 am and layed around till 2:30 to go to the baptism.My niece Avalon is beyond precious.Im gonna do another painting for her room in the style of an old time Theater sign(AVALON>>>>>get it?)After the gift opening the boys all broke to the picnic table to play poker.Yeah baby it sure was my day.I won $69 dollars when it started to rain and we called it a day.I then came home to see all the love that was thrown to me from all you awesome people.Thanx again. SO, whos gonna be at the S.G. BURLESQUE show on FRIDAY in CHICAGO? Im really want to meet those of you who will be in attendance. LET ME KNOW.......................
Glad you made it to Prince before he cancelled the rest of his shows.
Thats awesome...