Its friday and the festivities will begin in a few short hours.I occasionally bartend at a place called the RAVE,Milwaukees version of a house of blues.Theres 3 levels to this monstrosity of an ancient building.You could feasibly hold up to 4 shows at the same time as the ballroom can be packed up to 4500 people,the hall can hold about`1900,the basement around1200,and the bar 350.Why im goin through all this info about a 96 yr old buildiing i dont know.except i tend to spend a lot of time drinking free there and have seen some of the best concerts in any and all of the different rooms .Many a good time with many good people.SO one of my all time favorite bands FLIPP,(,recently broke up, but the front man BRYNN,is now producing and his first project,THE FUCK_UPS are playin tonight. WOW i just went through all that just to mention who i was goin to see tonight. Thatll end around 1100ish and ill probably stop in at the ENCORE gentlemans club for a drink or four,because as we all know ,I AM A VERY UPSTANDING GENTLEMAN, then ill probably end things at the ROCK SHOP,which is where i normally hang out any way and it just so happens that if need be i can stagger the 6 blocks home if i over medicate. SO.................. whos in ?First round is on me!! HAVE A GREAT WEEKEND ALL!

finally joined this awesome site.....
sorry about the show we were suppose to see with you the fall out boys,we got hung up at the parents before they leave for hawaii,we owe you one.
love ya keri
ps.your artwork is fucking awesome still