So here i sit bored to tears, well not tears so much, & not really bored either.I have not picked up a paint b rush or even a pencil in about 2 weeks, & I just can't seem to find any motivation, even though I find more than enough inspiration on this site. I just don't feel like gettin off my lazy ass & goin to my studio. gotta cut & assemble frames, stretch & prime canvas...wait for that to dry and then I could actually do some painting.I wish,i wish ,iwish i could afford to pay some one to do the little things. That of course leads to the whole not appreciating thing. So basically i just ranted to myself,realized i should just shut up & go do what needs to be done. Or.... I could just say fuck it for 1 more day & go see my new-born niece. Sometimes it just helps to see it in print. Ill probably find the energy to go get it all in today.
he he