So my 4th of July sucked
Got fucked up out of my mind at a friends house as soon as it got dark we went to the park and blew a bunch of shit up.I shot a bottle rocket out of my ass crack
Then the ex I have been trying to work things out with blew me off for her friends again I dont know why I let people walk all over me and use me....
All I want is to be happy for once
Got fucked up out of my mind at a friends house as soon as it got dark we went to the park and blew a bunch of shit up.I shot a bottle rocket out of my ass crack

Then the ex I have been trying to work things out with blew me off for her friends again I dont know why I let people walk all over me and use me....
All I want is to be happy for once
I tried to IM you but you ran away. I seem to have that effect on men. Anyhow I like your pic

Want me to beat her up for you? I'll do it I"m crazy.