One of the basic lessons of life is that what goes around comes around. You help strangers in need because its the right thing to do. You also do it because you've been in their shoes and appreciated the help you got from someone else. I can't even count the times that people I don't know, and will never see again, have helped me. Some have literally saved my life.
As a society, we recognize that shit happens and that people need the help of others to survive. We all pitch in a little of what we make so that we can all enjoy that help when we are out of luck. We recognize that it's important to take care of each other, or none of us will survive.
Well ... most of us anyway. George Bush and the Republican Party believe that help should only be offered when it's to your advantage to help someone. Their desire to gut spending on education, health care, and feeding the poor, is part of their heartless, self serving agenda. Their focus is on military spending and financial rewards for those who already have more than they can ever need.
It's time that we start acting like a community who recognize that everyone deserves basic respect, and helping our weakest become stronger is how we help ourselves become better.
It's time to get rid of the assholes who think that Halliburton and Enron are more important than average citizens. It's time to fire George Bush and Dick Cheney. There are three things you can do to get them out of office:
1. Volunteer
2. Volunteer
3. Volunteer
You have to offer your time to the Kerry campaign in your area, especially if you live in a battleground state, if you want America to fire George Bush. The joyful election day parties, celebrating Bush's defeat, won't happen unless you get involved RIGHT NOW. You've gotta work the mile to walk the aisle baby! Wooooooooooooooo!
$1,000 in repairs? What's wrong with your car?