I havent actually blogged in a awhile so Im going to give you super randomtastic facts about me
I cry 98% of the time when I hear i will always love you by dolly parton the whitney houston version doesnt do it for me .
I wish I was a male pole dancer
I have a crush on Judge Pirro (shes a cougar and you know it!)
The first thing I look at on a girl is her hair this may sound kinda weird but I wanted to be a hairstylist for the longest time before every one and their momma started going to beauty school .Like I hate oily hair
Its not healthy for your hair to wash it everyday I get that but if it looks like you haven't washed your hair in like 5 months we may have some problems lol
I dont want to get married or engaged to a girl until Im atleast 30 Im all down for promise rings and all but I think people get engaged and married way to young and thats why our divorce rate is so high besides Ill prob have to wait until Im thirty for it to be legal anyways lol
I HATE macs
I bought ff13 just because I thought lightning was hot
I name my main electronics lol except for my cell its a HTC so I havent thought I any clever names for it
I want three pet cats named Beyonce ,Sasha Fierce and oprah
I cry 98% of the time when I hear i will always love you by dolly parton the whitney houston version doesnt do it for me .
I wish I was a male pole dancer
I have a crush on Judge Pirro (shes a cougar and you know it!)
The first thing I look at on a girl is her hair this may sound kinda weird but I wanted to be a hairstylist for the longest time before every one and their momma started going to beauty school .Like I hate oily hair

I dont want to get married or engaged to a girl until Im atleast 30 Im all down for promise rings and all but I think people get engaged and married way to young and thats why our divorce rate is so high besides Ill prob have to wait until Im thirty for it to be legal anyways lol
I HATE macs
I bought ff13 just because I thought lightning was hot
I name my main electronics lol except for my cell its a HTC so I havent thought I any clever names for it
I want three pet cats named Beyonce ,Sasha Fierce and oprah

and i own a lightning action figure....i get to bend her into all sorts of weird positions