Argh Im having a lame day..Ive had way worse days but today has alot of frustrations. It started last night when I couldnt get to sleep until 5 this morning (sowwy girlfwiend ) which is super lame because I pulled an all nighter for no reason the the night before so I could have a normal sleeping schedule and spend more time with my girlfriend.Then Once I did fall asleep this storm came through and decided to randomly wake me up about 5 times..which caused me to sleep even longer. So around 1:30 today I woke up realizing I had to call one of the companies I had applied for a private loan to so I could pay for my schooling. They made a mistake on my birth date and I couldnt access my application online which I need ...for school...and When I called to correct it they imformed me I had to fax my state ID to confirm my date of birth..wtf like I have a fax machine lol so I called another loan place and fixed that problem.( I needed two loan applications stating I need a co signer to get a loan through my school without a co signer..complicated I know but its cheaper in the long run)
Then...I had to get a fafsa pin number thingy for my mom because apparently her computer was freezing...(good thing Im going to school to be a computer tech huh? lol ). After that I was feeling good because Im like ok..everything is taken care of just gotta go in and get the loan thingy over with then I can start and be all happy yaaaaaaay

This is especially frustrating for me since my mom hasnt really been in my life and didnt give my grandma guardianship over me even though she raised me . If she would have not only would I have this done with but I would have medical insurence until I was 26 and countless other things.
We may have to rumble for her affections.