So, things are going great working most my off days/nights. Tired of this rain looked like a monsoon with all the rain\wind gosh going to be a wet winter here I guess. Go figure shift work does that to a person im officially a #nightowl. Yeah so I'm off today and working overtime tomorrow how is everyone doing? Might as well tag some well known folks so people can see this @lilymai @blu @sundew do me a face drop a comment so people see it, to list a few hope you guys likes these little updates let me know thanks.
Feel the pain 😖 I'm a night owl too! work night shifts and it's messed up.. Sounds even harder with the weather you mention 😱😱 here feels like full summer days are too hot! Dunno if you would rather that 😋 Oh well, stay warm heh
Yeah today it was a 50 degree f with 100 humidity. And I'm thin so those are bone numbing temps.😨😨