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Just got finished, showered up, listening to gorgeous nightmare escape the fate. I'm ready now, haha, hopefully everyone is having /has a good day!!
I'm going catch a few ZzZZZzzZz night everyone.
Today is the last day of my second set in my second area. So, there still a overwhelming part I have to learn, but other than that one the rest is running good so far. Like I said before this the second set of many I'm sure wish me God knows I need it.
Hope that everyone's is having a great day /night!!
So another day closer to retirement, so overtime today a pretty good day if I don't say so myself. I've got this night pretty much finished #graveyardshift.
However, my set of three start after this one so, three more for me if all goes well. Hopefully it does,it is kinda chilly this morning I don't like the cold weather they can keep this brr.
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II don't mind wintertime Christmas and what not but I love summer best. Because of the temperature mostly, Fishing as well. But, things are only as good as you make it, I'm blessed truly working with retirement opportunities a fiancé, my own house, land, what more could I ask for I mean I'm doing well early in life.
On other notes I'm just now getting...
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Today is my last scedule day day to work off tomorrow and work Tuesday night overtime, it was very cold this morning. However I made it but it's definitely hard to get out of bed days like today.
Hope everyone is having a great day, I'm at work but good day in paradise.
Can't complain I was breathing this am all healthy got to give...
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November is almost up feels like yesterday it just began... must be cause I worked 18/20 days/nights this month. Haha is what it is. Better than being in the hospital sick. It's very cold again this morning. Funny weather, shoot it was almost too cold yesterday morning than by lunch is was almost 80 like okay decide what you want. But, anyway hope you guys/girls...
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SSo today is another day in paradise except for it being cool. I'm very cold natured no good (especially no fun)how is everyone today? @diessel @blu @sundew @lilymai
So, things are going great working most my off days/nights. Tired of this rain looked like a monsoon with all the rain\wind gosh going to be a wet winter here I guess. Go figure shift work does that to a person im officially a #nightowl. Yeah so I'm off today and working overtime tomorrow how is everyone doing? Might as well tag some well known...
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So today was my last night officially. However have to work overtime tomorrow day so I have to stay up to almost three pm. Which is gonna take a lot out good thing I'm still young. Wish me luck.
Hey people, wish everyone a good day/night depending on where you're located. So, another day in paradise at work shift pays a toll on the body. However, money to be made wishing I was with my fiancé. But, bills have to be payed. Today is going good so far day two in my current area close to six more months to go.. I don't know...
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So, you may not be aware of I am a process technician in a plant. We deal with waste and by-products, to make them neutral before pumped to the nearby river.
As a fresh hand we have 5 total area's each of which I have to spend a six month period in. So, I started my second area today. And I'm going to have to...
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So because of my accident people think that makes me incapable of doing my job, and society looks at me like I'm deaf or something they speak loudly when they hear me.