I haven't been on here in a while. Texas sucked, but I got paid pretty well to be there. Now I have some cash to get some new ink work done. I need to start going back to school, I'm thinking EMT so I can help save some lives and shit. Anyways, work sucks and there are no shows that I know of coming up. My best friend's wife is on house arrest too, so that sucks balls.

I was scanning through your profile and I must say, you seem like a pretty hip guy. You have good taste in music and movies. And I love the fact that you're a Hunter S. Thompson fan. I absolutely adore his work.
Another thing that caught my eye was under fav artists, you put Brandon Bond. He is great. He's been in my ex's shop on many occassions. And I always see him when I go to the Tattoo Voodoo Convention over in New Orleans every Halloween. Infact, I have a piece that he did framed and on my wall right now. I am alittle envious of him though.. He's got all that great work done by Joe Capobianco and I LOVE Capobianco's style. So, I'm saving up to get him to do my backpiece. So, hopefully I'll get that done sooner than later.
So, you live in Navarre? I know some people out there. Good people at that.