Saturday night one of my friends told me she had feelings for me. It was a very akward since she's dating one of my friends. She was talking as if I wanted a relationship with her; telling me that I make her feel a certain way and that she likes me not being personal with her. It kind of made me uncomfortable, since I don't want anything other than friendship. She wanted me to talk to this girl who looked liked she had never been to a club before. She was too innocent looking. She thinks I'm stupid 'cause I formed a pre-concieved notion that she wouldn't like my style of music and what-not. I just usaully assume they won't since they don't look a certain way, and I guess that's being really closed-minded, but that's me I guess. She told me just 'cause my ex hated everything I liked, that not every girl is going to be like that, but I'm just a negative person. That was a really strange night, and I kept having crazy dreams that night. I should probably cut back on the alchohol intake.

I think that if you can do it sober and in are a much stronger and probably more sincere...but iam a hypcrite. So whatever.