- Going to work tonight
- Driving 2 1/2 hours immediately after getting off work
- Sleeping as soon as I get to the Gump
- Might go skating if I don't eat too much and pass out on the couch
- Might have an in-grown hair in my nose
- Going to get something to eat cause I'm hungry
- Driving 2 1/2 hours immediately after getting off work
- Sleeping as soon as I get to the Gump
- Might go skating if I don't eat too much and pass out on the couch
- Might have an in-grown hair in my nose
- Going to get something to eat cause I'm hungry

I actually knew a dude who had an in-grown hair in his nose and it got all fucked up and his whole face swole to like 3x the normal size. Hopefully that doesnt happen to you.
I noticed you like mr. bungle and tomahawk-if you like mike patton you should hear the couple of songs he did with dillinger escpe plan. It's a couple of years old, but it's hard as fuck.
have a happy thanksgiving! I actually made a chocolate pie to celebrate the holiday.