So I laid on the table, I've talk this talk that we speak of once before. Just another guy this time his name is Dave. As I lay on the table I tell him exactly how it needs to be. He agrees and continues. I feel the burning sensation that I've felt many times before this. The cold 14 gauge needle sliding through my nose. It felt so right. I missed it. Maybe it was just the pain I missed. Reguardless it felt so right. I walked out with a slight feeling that I've had once before. A pain that means something far more than what anyone knows. It hurts. Not the piercing itself but, the thought of her. Its far more worth it to just forget her. This septum ring isn't a reminder anymore, its a sign that its over for good. My hearts not hers anymore. This ring is a symbol of my independence.
Who said piercings don't have meaning?
Who said piercings don't have meaning?
I like putting meanings into my piercings too. To bad my last two didn't work out ( middle lip and monroe)
the lip got infected a while ago. I'm going to take out the monroe next week (after I shoot new set ) becuse it's making my gums recede in a bad way. When I'm ready to take care of a piercing again I'm going to put the monroe back in on the other side. I might just let the lower lip ring go - I don't miss it anymore.