Well I started the day yesterday busy as can be. Ran around to all hell. When I went into the mall it was completely hot and sunny. I walk out it has ominous black rainclouds all over the place. Then I had to go home and dry my jeans. Yeah that didn't go well. I had to go pick up Lizzy so we could go to the Honda Civic Tour with Panic! At the Disco. Got there attempted to my makeup and then decided to run home to change clothes...again. Soon as we hit the car the sky opens up. So we wait out the storm a wee bit. So there goes my idea to get to the show early. Then Lizzy asks if I was looking for a roommate. Which thank you god I am. So that was the good part of my night. Well we head on down to the Masquerade. We get there and the parking lot is full and everything in close proximity is full. Finally we go down a side street and probably get one of the last legal parking spots available. But I am thinking I hope they don't tow my car. Well we walk around for a bit then get in the crowd when Motion City Soundtrack goes on. We keep doing a shove towards the front. Well the shoving and the pushing gets pretty bad. I mean my pants were almost around my knees. And my arms were squished above my head. I'm also worried because I just got my implants fixed and had just gotten my stitches taken out the day before so I am still in the healing stage of it all. Well the shoving gets even worse and finally Lizzy, myself and some other kids get thrown to the ground in the pit. I freaked the fuck out!!! I was terrified of being trampled. So the band stops. We get up and I hightailed my wet, hyperventilating ass out of there. I sat down on the wet grass. Texted some people and caught my breath. Well I go grab a Coke and some pizza and chilled on the other side and listened to Panic. Lizzy found me after a few songs. So we chilled and listened to the rest of the show. Well it ended and we left to go get some food. We went to the Vortex in Lil 5 and chatted about life, SG and things. We were then heading over to S4 for Elvis's birthday bash. Let me put it this way I was 7 months pregnant the last time I was there. So that shows you how long its been. But I promised Elvis I would stop by and besides my favorite ex was spinning that night. And any excuse I get to see Chai makes me happy. He always makes me feel loved and special. Besides I don't think I have really seen him spin that much. So we headed over there. I stripped shirts in the car. We get there and it is pouring down rain...again. That should have been a sign right there to just go home and go to bed. Well we get there and the door opens. As soon as we step in and who do I see on his cell phone right by the door? Brent!...Jareth's sperm donor. I haven't seen him since I was just pregnant. And after he called me a whore and denied Jareth was his child. So my heart sank! And I don't want this to get to me. But it did. So I told Lizzy I needed a cigarette. And I don't smoke so that shows you how much I was shaken. Well I see some old friends I always love to see and get some love from...Elvis, Karis, Chai. And I like to people watch. So I see a lot of people from my old raver days. They didn't recognize me but I them. Well I felt kinda ignored and such a few times that night. But ya know shit happens and I have those kinda nights. I'll live. We got home around 3:30 and snuggled up in bed and watched Grindhouse. I
I have to say I'm glad I met Lizzy and feel we will be very close in the near future. Especially if she does end up moving in. It will be nice to have another female to talk to and hang out with.
I have to say I'm glad I met Lizzy and feel we will be very close in the near future. Especially if she does end up moving in. It will be nice to have another female to talk to and hang out with.
this could be the plot of a killer movie! wow! heh. the masq! i havent beenthere in years!