Well I got sent to L&D today...was checked and monitored...was at 2cm, 60-70% effaced and -2 station and all my mucus was oozing out...well they sent me home and am getting induced on Monday sometime...they said I am thinned out enough and dilated enough to be able to break my water...the only reason they didnt today was because I had bronchitis/pneumonia for the last 2 weeks and they gave me an antibiotic shot of penicillin to make sure it cures all of it just in case of emergency that i had to have a c-section...So either on Monday they are gonna give me some Cervadil and then 12 hours of monitoring some pitocin...or they are gonna just pop the pitocin in and get this party started...so hopefully by this time on tuesday I will have my son in my arms...oh did i mention my baby cracked my rib?
I need to see that baby! Give me a call anytime even though we don't know each other that well yet. seriously.