Well man this is getting quite frustrating lately. I keep trying to get together with Dave so I can start getting some ideas for a photoset on paper. But he is getting too busy to even talk to me. I keep thinking maybe I should find someone else who can do my pictures for me. Still have to get my paperwork in as well.
More Blogs
Tuesday Oct 31, 2006
Well I am un tears right now...my best friend is supposed to be throw… -
Wednesday Oct 25, 2006
Ok I am started to get stressed out once again. Just when I think th… -
Thursday Oct 12, 2006
boys piss me off sometimes... -
Wednesday Oct 11, 2006
Man my stress level is starting to reach sky high. I have not a sing… -
Wednesday Oct 04, 2006
Well lately I have been kinda feeling I'm on the backburner with some… -
Wednesday Oct 04, 2006
Well things are going well lately. Been highly emotional beyond beli… -
Saturday Sep 30, 2006
Ok I think my hormones have just been completely out of whack. And i… -
Wednesday Sep 27, 2006
Why do I torture myself? I knew I shouldnt read blogs. I just end u… -
Wednesday Sep 20, 2006
Well I have had a few emotional moments. The closer I come to giving… -
Friday Sep 15, 2006
My god I am so bored right now. I finally got done with class and no…