So I have to rant here a little bit because something made me a little irrate the other day and I have to vent...
My husband came home from work yesterday and told me about his day, which involved two coworkers telling him that he was "disgusting" for having sex with me so late during my pregnancy. See it all started when one coworker asked if I had the baby yet, and when my husband said "no" the coworker suggested driving over a bumpy road. My husband replied "Why do that when I could just throw her a bone?!" Well, apparently some of my coworkers see no difference between a pregnant woman and an obese woman because they cringed and compared me to a very overweight woman that works at our job site.
Now let me just say that I am no way "fat." Other than my belly, the rest of me is quite tiny! Our two coworkers felt that their wives were fat so they wouldn't have sex with their wives past the three month mark...In fact one of them only had sex with their wife ONCE during her pregnancy!!
So who are the disgusting ones here? My husband and I for enjoying sex during the latter part of pregnancy...or my coworkers for being so shallow that they wouldn't be intimate with their wives because "their bellies looked like beach balls"? I mean....wasn't it sex that got us here?
My husband came home from work yesterday and told me about his day, which involved two coworkers telling him that he was "disgusting" for having sex with me so late during my pregnancy. See it all started when one coworker asked if I had the baby yet, and when my husband said "no" the coworker suggested driving over a bumpy road. My husband replied "Why do that when I could just throw her a bone?!" Well, apparently some of my coworkers see no difference between a pregnant woman and an obese woman because they cringed and compared me to a very overweight woman that works at our job site.

Now let me just say that I am no way "fat." Other than my belly, the rest of me is quite tiny! Our two coworkers felt that their wives were fat so they wouldn't have sex with their wives past the three month mark...In fact one of them only had sex with their wife ONCE during her pregnancy!!
So who are the disgusting ones here? My husband and I for enjoying sex during the latter part of pregnancy...or my coworkers for being so shallow that they wouldn't be intimate with their wives because "their bellies looked like beach balls"? I mean....wasn't it sex that got us here?
My ex & I were haveing sex all through the term
and at the end the Doc encouraged it as a means
to induce labor.
If you're enjoying it keep on doing it. Tell the co-workers
to piss off.
Thank you sooooo so much for the love on my set.
I really appreciate it, girl