I'm baaaaack!!!!
Sorry I've been gone sooooo long, I've been pitifully poor and unable to re-up my account. . So how is every body? I missed you guys!!!!!
I finally got my bridesmaid dress, not the one I planned on getting but it is still pretty
I'm getting ready to head over to St. Michaels for the last canoe race of the season tomorrow
This new semester is kicking my ass! I have to be up by 6:15am every Monday and Wednesday (which is REALLY early for me) to be in class an hour away by 8:15, then I'm in LaPlata all day, last class is over those days at 6:55pm. On Thursdays I drive back up to LaPlata and then down to Leonardtown, another hour away, and get out of that class at 8:30pm! OI!
A friend of mine was in a really bad car accident on Monday night, she was going around a blind turn and an SUV with it's high beams on came around the turn and she couldn't see and ended up hitting 2 trees, the second of which demolished her car. She had so much adrenaline going that she kicked out the door of her car to get out!
And I didn't find out til Wednesday when her mom called me to tell me that she was in the ICU at Washington Hospital Center. She's okay though, I went and saw her that night at the hospital, she actually didn't look that bad but most of the damage was internal. She has a lacerated liver and a collapsed lung, poor baby!
I do have to say that I will ALWAYS wear my seat belt now though because hers saved her life, if she hadn't been wearing it her throat would have met the hood of her car half way through the windshield of her car and she probably would have been decapitated! So please every body, WEAR YOUR SEATBELT!!!!!!!!! Even if it's just driving down the street, you never know what can happen. I never wore mine before I saw her and heard that and now I put mine on before I start the car. And make every one that rides with you wear theirs too. Looking like a dork is much better than being killed. Princess Di would probably still be alive today if she had had hers on.
Any way, I hope every one is doing well. . . like I said, I need to go pack!

I finally got my bridesmaid dress, not the one I planned on getting but it is still pretty

I'm getting ready to head over to St. Michaels for the last canoe race of the season tomorrow

This new semester is kicking my ass! I have to be up by 6:15am every Monday and Wednesday (which is REALLY early for me) to be in class an hour away by 8:15, then I'm in LaPlata all day, last class is over those days at 6:55pm. On Thursdays I drive back up to LaPlata and then down to Leonardtown, another hour away, and get out of that class at 8:30pm! OI!
A friend of mine was in a really bad car accident on Monday night, she was going around a blind turn and an SUV with it's high beams on came around the turn and she couldn't see and ended up hitting 2 trees, the second of which demolished her car. She had so much adrenaline going that she kicked out the door of her car to get out!

I do have to say that I will ALWAYS wear my seat belt now though because hers saved her life, if she hadn't been wearing it her throat would have met the hood of her car half way through the windshield of her car and she probably would have been decapitated! So please every body, WEAR YOUR SEATBELT!!!!!!!!! Even if it's just driving down the street, you never know what can happen. I never wore mine before I saw her and heard that and now I put mine on before I start the car. And make every one that rides with you wear theirs too. Looking like a dork is much better than being killed. Princess Di would probably still be alive today if she had had hers on.
Any way, I hope every one is doing well. . . like I said, I need to go pack!

<3-Josh Guy