A Short Questionaire
1. What is the worst gift that was given to you by an ex (or current) significant other that was meant to be thoughtful?
2. What song makes you emotional?
3. Where is your favorite place in the world?
4. Who is/ was your favorite person in the world?
5. If you had only one day left o live what would you do and who would you do it with?
6. What is the oddest pet (if any) that you have ever had?
7. What is your dream car?
8. Out of your most prized possesions, what would you give up to save the person you love? (It only has to be 1)
9. What hair color do you hate to see when you know it isn't natural?
10. If you could be any animal for a day what would it be?
My Answers
1. An ex of mine in high school gave me a box of JElly Belly jelly beans for our 3 month anniversary (woo friggin hoo) and told me that they were going to 'add some jelly to my chubby belly', yeah we didn't last that long.
2. "Somebody's Hero"
3. My family's cabin in New York, it's so peaceful.
4. My grandmother
5. I would travel as far as I could and see as much as I could with all of the people that I love
6. I used to have Peiking ducks, 3 were all a yellow cream color and one looked like a cow with brown and white spots
7. An Aston Martin V12 Vanquish
8. My grandmother's gold and diamond horse shoe necklace that I wear everyday.
9. Blonde, especially when the roots show, all blonde isn't bad as long as it's kept up, but roots burn my cookies
10. A miniature pony (don't ask, I'm wierd)
1. What is the worst gift that was given to you by an ex (or current) significant other that was meant to be thoughtful?
2. What song makes you emotional?
3. Where is your favorite place in the world?
4. Who is/ was your favorite person in the world?
5. If you had only one day left o live what would you do and who would you do it with?
6. What is the oddest pet (if any) that you have ever had?
7. What is your dream car?
8. Out of your most prized possesions, what would you give up to save the person you love? (It only has to be 1)
9. What hair color do you hate to see when you know it isn't natural?
10. If you could be any animal for a day what would it be?
My Answers
1. An ex of mine in high school gave me a box of JElly Belly jelly beans for our 3 month anniversary (woo friggin hoo) and told me that they were going to 'add some jelly to my chubby belly', yeah we didn't last that long.

2. "Somebody's Hero"
3. My family's cabin in New York, it's so peaceful.
4. My grandmother
5. I would travel as far as I could and see as much as I could with all of the people that I love
6. I used to have Peiking ducks, 3 were all a yellow cream color and one looked like a cow with brown and white spots
7. An Aston Martin V12 Vanquish
8. My grandmother's gold and diamond horse shoe necklace that I wear everyday.
9. Blonde, especially when the roots show, all blonde isn't bad as long as it's kept up, but roots burn my cookies
10. A miniature pony (don't ask, I'm wierd)

His class ring, c'mon now!
2. What song makes you emotional?
3. Where is your favorite place in the world?
my bf apartment, I feel so cozy and at home there.
4. Who is/ was your favorite person in the world?
My niece, she is 2 and i am crazy about her.
5. If you had only one day left o live what would you do and who would you do it with?
I would stay in and eat steam crabs and play board games while watching funny movies, i would spend it with my family and bf.
6. What is the oddest pet (if any) that you have ever had?
I had a turtle, I found him when he got hit by a car and shell fell off, I took duck tape and taped it back together, he lived so I kept him.
7. What is your dream car?
69 impalla
8. Out of your most prized possesions, what would you give up to save the person you love? (It only has to be 1)
my photos of my loved ones.
9. What hair color do you hate to see when you know it isn't natural?
thats a tough one.
10. If you could be any animal for a day what would it be?
a dolphin.