Hey hey hey! This week has kicked my ass! I've been working like crazy (god forbid that someone's boat should have so much as a dingy ensign for the 4th! I mean JEEEZUS! :eek
We had over 400 customers in the store today alone! It's been nuts!
Shane's birthday went really well. Damien and I hit the ground running as soon as we could. I caught enough crabs to satisfy the three of us, eventhough someone stole all of the crabs that I had caught on Wednesday! I was so mad I was in tears! It's not that easy to catch crabs this far off the bay. My parents even bought delmonico steaks for us to have as a gift for him which pleasantly suprised me (they aren't big Shane fans). We were a little rushed to get the balloons and the cake to his house before we went to his work. My car was so full that poor D had to ride the whole way with the cake in his lap!
He had agood birthday even though he wouldn't let me take a pic of him the birthday tiara I bought him (thanks to SouthernBelle for the idea!) I think he liked his suprises since nobody has really celebrated his birthday since Damien's mom was alive. It made me feel good to see him smile when he saw the balloons and the cake.
My parents just got their boat back in the water so they're happy, which means I'm happy. . . for the time being. The boat just had all of the hull redone (fiberglass, bottom paint and all to the tune of $4,000!) They'll be leaving Friday morning to take the boat over to the Eastern Shore for the first log canoe race of the season. I have to work Saturday so I'm going to drive over on Sunday morning and sail in the Sunday race. I'm sooo excited becauseI didn't get to sail at all last summer!
Tomorrow should be fun filled for me too. My sisters and I are going tubing on the river at 9:30 in the am with our nieghbors, then I'm going down to my work to grab a hot dog (my work has a mini cook out infront of the store every 4th) and then back to my house in time for a huge dinner with friends of the family, then we're all gonna pile on our boat and head out into the river to see the fireworks down in Solomons Island and to drink beer and this guy is coming!
Whew! That was a long one!
Any who, what is every body doing for the 4th?

Shane's birthday went really well. Damien and I hit the ground running as soon as we could. I caught enough crabs to satisfy the three of us, eventhough someone stole all of the crabs that I had caught on Wednesday! I was so mad I was in tears! It's not that easy to catch crabs this far off the bay. My parents even bought delmonico steaks for us to have as a gift for him which pleasantly suprised me (they aren't big Shane fans). We were a little rushed to get the balloons and the cake to his house before we went to his work. My car was so full that poor D had to ride the whole way with the cake in his lap!

My parents just got their boat back in the water so they're happy, which means I'm happy. . . for the time being. The boat just had all of the hull redone (fiberglass, bottom paint and all to the tune of $4,000!) They'll be leaving Friday morning to take the boat over to the Eastern Shore for the first log canoe race of the season. I have to work Saturday so I'm going to drive over on Sunday morning and sail in the Sunday race. I'm sooo excited becauseI didn't get to sail at all last summer!

Tomorrow should be fun filled for me too. My sisters and I are going tubing on the river at 9:30 in the am with our nieghbors, then I'm going down to my work to grab a hot dog (my work has a mini cook out infront of the store every 4th) and then back to my house in time for a huge dinner with friends of the family, then we're all gonna pile on our boat and head out into the river to see the fireworks down in Solomons Island and to drink beer and this guy is coming!

Whew! That was a long one!
Any who, what is every body doing for the 4th?

Had a great day....She will be here the weekend of the 22nd.
and the hon thing...your right, its kinda like the canada "eh?"
you need to IM me sometime, because i get really bored and i have no life.
AIM-Then Joshua Says
<3-Josh Guy