Okay, I may be pathetic but I'm stealing this from Laika but LOCgunforhire505 did it first so maybe it isn't that bad. . .
TEN Random Things About Me
10. I can't eat most fruits, I hate the pulpy texture but I do like bannana's and canteloupe
9. I take care of 5 horses that are kept at my friends house, nobody else gives them any attention, they just get fed and watered, I do what medical things I can
8. I want to be a mom really badly, I can't wait to get married and have kids
7. I'm afraid of jellyfish. . kinda, even though they don't sting me, it just itches really badly, tentacles scare me
6. I was on the hip-hop dance team in high school
5. I have a varisty letter in theatre from high school too (I was a drama geek okay
4. I am pro gay marriage, I think everybody deserves happiness
3. Cooler Ranch Doritos are my favorite chips ever!
2. I love history
1. I was the first successful removal of a cateract on an infant (meaning I didn't go blind in my left eye anyway after I had surgery on my eye when I was 4 months old) and I have glaucoma in my left eye too
NINE Places I've Visited
9. Colorado Springs
8. Vail
7. Niagra Falls, Ontario
6. NYC
5. Chicago
4. Chattanooga, TN
3. Hilton Head, SC
2. Orlando
1. The Thousand Islands
EIGHT Things I want to do before I die
8. Go sky diving
7. Go to Scotland
6. Become a veterinarian
5. Be on TV
4. Change someone's life (for the better)
3. become a wife and a mother
2. see my great-grandchildren get married
1. invent a new jelly belly flavor
SEVEN Ways to win my heart
7. Be honest
6. give me random kisses
5. become my friend first
4. diamonds are a girl's best friend (jk, I'd be happy with a 10 cent ring from the grocery store vending machine)
3. read a novel outloud to me
2. give me back rubs
1. always mean it when you express yourself
SIX Things I believe in
6. God
5. forgiveness
4. love
3. destiny
2. the right for women to make decisions about their own bodies
1. myself
FIVE Things I'm afraid of
5. bugs (especially spiders)
4. not being able to lead my own life
3. leaving an emotional scar on someone's life
2. being alone
1. car accidents
FOUR of my Favorite Items in my bedroom
4. my jersey knit sheets (when you sleep naked it's like sleeping in a giant t-shirt!)
3. my collection of assorted liquor bottles
2. my "Kiss Me I'm a Pirate" hat
1. my cushy chair by the window
THREE Things I do everyday
3. masturbate (well, almost every day)
2. walk out on the back deck of my house and look at the water and think of how blessed I am
1. think of all of the people that love me and how lucky I am to have them in my life
TWO Things I am trying not to do right now
2. get through this semester until summer vacation
1. motivate myself to clean my room
ONE Person I want to see right now
but he's at work
and that's a really bad pic of him, his son took it and he isn't terribly skilled with a camera

TEN Random Things About Me
10. I can't eat most fruits, I hate the pulpy texture but I do like bannana's and canteloupe
9. I take care of 5 horses that are kept at my friends house, nobody else gives them any attention, they just get fed and watered, I do what medical things I can
8. I want to be a mom really badly, I can't wait to get married and have kids
7. I'm afraid of jellyfish. . kinda, even though they don't sting me, it just itches really badly, tentacles scare me
6. I was on the hip-hop dance team in high school
5. I have a varisty letter in theatre from high school too (I was a drama geek okay

4. I am pro gay marriage, I think everybody deserves happiness
3. Cooler Ranch Doritos are my favorite chips ever!
2. I love history
1. I was the first successful removal of a cateract on an infant (meaning I didn't go blind in my left eye anyway after I had surgery on my eye when I was 4 months old) and I have glaucoma in my left eye too
NINE Places I've Visited
9. Colorado Springs
8. Vail
7. Niagra Falls, Ontario
6. NYC
5. Chicago
4. Chattanooga, TN
3. Hilton Head, SC
2. Orlando
1. The Thousand Islands
EIGHT Things I want to do before I die
8. Go sky diving
7. Go to Scotland
6. Become a veterinarian
5. Be on TV
4. Change someone's life (for the better)
3. become a wife and a mother
2. see my great-grandchildren get married
1. invent a new jelly belly flavor
SEVEN Ways to win my heart
7. Be honest
6. give me random kisses
5. become my friend first
4. diamonds are a girl's best friend (jk, I'd be happy with a 10 cent ring from the grocery store vending machine)
3. read a novel outloud to me
2. give me back rubs
1. always mean it when you express yourself
SIX Things I believe in
6. God
5. forgiveness
4. love
3. destiny
2. the right for women to make decisions about their own bodies
1. myself
FIVE Things I'm afraid of
5. bugs (especially spiders)
4. not being able to lead my own life
3. leaving an emotional scar on someone's life
2. being alone
1. car accidents
FOUR of my Favorite Items in my bedroom
4. my jersey knit sheets (when you sleep naked it's like sleeping in a giant t-shirt!)
3. my collection of assorted liquor bottles
2. my "Kiss Me I'm a Pirate" hat

1. my cushy chair by the window
THREE Things I do everyday
3. masturbate (well, almost every day)
2. walk out on the back deck of my house and look at the water and think of how blessed I am
1. think of all of the people that love me and how lucky I am to have them in my life
TWO Things I am trying not to do right now
2. get through this semester until summer vacation
1. motivate myself to clean my room
ONE Person I want to see right now

but he's at work
