Oi. I spent the past two days playing nurse for my boyfriend. He's been really sick so I've been taking care of him and his son until he gets better. Which he better do before my birthday on Saturday! I'm just kidding, he doesn't really get sick that often so I think I might just cut him a little slack.
Still psyched about Friday! I can't wait. I need a little time off. After I get off work on Saturday I'm gonna drive back to my house (20 mins away) in just enough time to shower and maybe sqeeze in a nap before I get up and froof myself (that's my word that encompasses putting on make-up, doing my hair, AND picking something out to wear all in one) and then go back down to Solomons (where my work is) to celebrate my real birthday.
To top everything off I get paid on Friday too!
Still psyched about Friday! I can't wait. I need a little time off. After I get off work on Saturday I'm gonna drive back to my house (20 mins away) in just enough time to shower and maybe sqeeze in a nap before I get up and froof myself (that's my word that encompasses putting on make-up, doing my hair, AND picking something out to wear all in one) and then go back down to Solomons (where my work is) to celebrate my real birthday.

Thursday - Prepare my house for the arrival of Bambie.
Friday Morning - make sure everything is ready for Bambie
Friday Afternoon - Greet Bambie, so see Sin City.
Friday Evening - Take Bambie to Hooters.
Friday Night - Take Bambie to Sonar
Saturday EARLY Morning - Fall asleep with Bambie (yes SLEEP you pervs)
Saturday Morning - Kick Bambie out so she can get to work.
Rest of the day Saturday - Wish Bambie were back.