Not a whole lot going on today. I think my sister and I are gonna go tanning this afternoon and that's about it. I'll let you know if anything oober dramatic happens.
Okay so I got to hang out with my boyfriend's son today for a while. He's such a great kid. His mom passed away almost 2 years ago in a car accident when he was 5. He's also epoleptic so that makes life even harder for him. He had brain surgery when he was five months old and then was in a forced coma for a month.
He's so fun. We played in a grocery store while my bf was at work. . . This is my D-Dawg..
Then after I got home everything got boring again.
I can't wait for Friday! I'm going up to stay with Conchobhar for the night. We're going to see Sin City and then we're out with two of my best friends to Hooters for dinner and then we're going to Sonar. Can't wait! It's gonna be my pre-birthday bash before my b-day on Saturday. The only thing that sucks is that I have to get up at the ass-crack of dawn on Saturday morning and drive 2 hours to be at work by 10. That is gonna blow.
But I still can't wait!

Okay so I got to hang out with my boyfriend's son today for a while. He's such a great kid. His mom passed away almost 2 years ago in a car accident when he was 5. He's also epoleptic so that makes life even harder for him. He had brain surgery when he was five months old and then was in a forced coma for a month.
He's so fun. We played in a grocery store while my bf was at work. . . This is my D-Dawg..

Then after I got home everything got boring again.
I can't wait for Friday! I'm going up to stay with Conchobhar for the night. We're going to see Sin City and then we're out with two of my best friends to Hooters for dinner and then we're going to Sonar. Can't wait! It's gonna be my pre-birthday bash before my b-day on Saturday. The only thing that sucks is that I have to get up at the ass-crack of dawn on Saturday morning and drive 2 hours to be at work by 10. That is gonna blow.
But I still can't wait!

Happy easter 2 you 2.
he is really cute. i heart kids!