Hellooo ladies and germs. Sorry I've been gone for a while, been busy busy busy with school and work and a boy
I want to thank everyone for the birthday wishes, they were much appreciated!
We had to put one of my doggies down on Monday
but it was her time, she was old and her hips didn't function any more.
On the higher side of things. . . my parents left Wednesday to spend 9 days in Ireland so I have the house to myself! WOOT! Very exciting. A few of my friends are throwing me a belated bday party tonight which should be bunches of fun despite the weather, hopefully it'll clear up.
Well I need to run, I have a few errands to run before this evening so I will talk to you lovely people another time!
Love and Cookies

I want to thank everyone for the birthday wishes, they were much appreciated!

We had to put one of my doggies down on Monday

On the higher side of things. . . my parents left Wednesday to spend 9 days in Ireland so I have the house to myself! WOOT! Very exciting. A few of my friends are throwing me a belated bday party tonight which should be bunches of fun despite the weather, hopefully it'll clear up.
Well I need to run, I have a few errands to run before this evening so I will talk to you lovely people another time!
Love and Cookies

Why didn't you call me about the puppy
Very sad she was a sweet dog.

Just saying hey. Hope everything's going smooth for ya.