I hit my dog with my car Wednesday! I didn't kill her, I did knock her over and run over her foot though. . .
Just recently she's started chasing cars down the driveway (I have a fairly long driveway) and I usually just idle down the driveway while she runs alongside my car and barks at the headlights. . . . wellllllll this time she decided that she was going to jump out infront of the car and bark at it. So I knocked her over. . . but from the sound it made I was sure I had mangled the poor dog. . . and ran over her foot, but the best part was that after I got out of the car to look at her my back tire was still on her foot!!!!!!! So I hopped back in my car and backed up a little, she took off and aparently I scared her so badly that she pooped and peed on herself!
But she walked around just fine, she's not even limping! She just has a little bit of road rash on one paw
The best part was when I had to call my boss and tell her (through a large amount of tears) that I was going to be late because I ran over my dog. . .
But things are better now (aside from the fact that every one at work calls me a dog hitter). The best part of the better part is that the Chipendales are going to be performing at my work next Friday night. I am sooooo there!
My mom is going too (that'll be a touch awkward).
Does every one like the new profile pic? The hat I'm wearing actually says "Kiss Me, I'm a Pirate" and there's a skull and cross bones in the middle. It's my favorite hat!
I hit my dog with my car Wednesday! I didn't kill her, I did knock her over and run over her foot though. . .

The best part was when I had to call my boss and tell her (through a large amount of tears) that I was going to be late because I ran over my dog. . .

But things are better now (aside from the fact that every one at work calls me a dog hitter). The best part of the better part is that the Chipendales are going to be performing at my work next Friday night. I am sooooo there!

Does every one like the new profile pic? The hat I'm wearing actually says "Kiss Me, I'm a Pirate" and there's a skull and cross bones in the middle. It's my favorite hat!
