So I got fired Friday. . . for stealing something that I didn't steal, as tupid wind-proof lighter that doesn't work anyways. But get this. .. . I was set up by the girl that just got fired for stealing $1500 from the store. She called an anonymous tip line that West Marine has for employees to call if they think that another employee is stealing. The only reason that I know this is because everyone that works there told me that none of them did it and that they all thought that it was. . . not naming names so we'll just refer to her as bitch for now. . . so they all thought that bitch is the one that called after she got fired because she knew that our boss was going to give me the job she had when she was there, which would have meant that while she was getting fired, I would have been promoted and gotten a raise.
And apparently my old boss is "devastated"
according to one of the guys I used to work with, which I would have never thought, I thought that he kinda really didn't like me!
But all is well, I had another job before 8am the next morning, now I'll be waitressing at Catamaran's restaurant on Solomon's Island, more money
I am still sad about my old job though, even though I didn't make a whole lot and kinda got fucked over alot on hours, I still loved that job, the customers, the people I worked with, every one!
If I ever see or hear from bitch I'm gonna knock all of her teeth out!
But I had a great weekend thoguh!
lol, I went to Holly's families Christmas party and spent most of the weekend wasted, lol, and I just may be hooking up with her cousin, lol! Good times.
me and the horsie again. . .
I am going to be the worst last minute shopper ever! I have no money until Friday! GAH!
And apparently my old boss is "devastated"

But all is well, I had another job before 8am the next morning, now I'll be waitressing at Catamaran's restaurant on Solomon's Island, more money

If I ever see or hear from bitch I'm gonna knock all of her teeth out!
But I had a great weekend thoguh!

me and the horsie again. . .

I am going to be the worst last minute shopper ever! I have no money until Friday! GAH!

i'm italian...
anyway... thanks!