I'm so uber tired! (does anyone still say uber? oh well, i do) I've been getting up everymorning at 6. On the days that I have class I leave my house around 7 and on the days that I don't I leave at like 6:20 to go ride this woman's horse for her (she has an old age complex and thinks that she's too old to ride eventhough she's not and she doesn't want her horses to get fat) and she lives about 40 mins from me give or take, then I ride until like 11. That has been my daily schedule for like the apst three weeks or so.
Don't get me wrong though, I love it! I am a horse fanatic and having the opportunity to do this is awesome, plus I can see that I'm losing weight and that makes me happy
I'm giving lessons now too which is kinda neat-o.
So how is everybody else? It seems like it's been kinda dead around these parts lately.
Don't get me wrong though, I love it! I am a horse fanatic and having the opportunity to do this is awesome, plus I can see that I'm losing weight and that makes me happy

So how is everybody else? It seems like it's been kinda dead around these parts lately.

What's the country like out in your neck of the woods? You got plenty of wide-open spaces? It's pretty dense around here, but I still get to see the sky sometimes.
Sounds lovely out where you are; I'm from plains-and-mountains country myself, so can't imagine what it'd be like growing up close to that big ocean. When you were little, were you ever afraid of it?