-"Ci un sentimento. ...an stupendo il sentimento di cos piccolo e cos insignificante quel timore la porta in tale maniera... che le sue prese di respiro nella sua gola ed i suoi occhi cominciano a si gonfiare e lei non sicuro perch. ... L'AMORE! E BELLO. ...."
Heres my mom her hubby Eden and I at the River Wine walk.
-So about Eden... we both have things to work on. And we both know how we feel about each other. He's scared of giving himself to love..... as am I. We're taking it day by day. All I know is that I don't want to be without him. It is his skin that I want my soul to melt into. And only his!
-Speaking bout Eden... He got a new roommate. She has tons of tatts and is a stripper. I guess I met her before one drunk night. But I went over last night for dinner and the new
Simpsons/Family Guy and she hung out with us. She seems really cool. And she has a pure-breed Bulldog named Sheila, she's flippin' adorable!!!!!! Now, I don't care that she's his roommate. Just hopin' she's not like the other roommate he had.... she turned out to be crazy and wanted Eden and threaten'd him and well thats just a whole new story.
-I hate that sometimes I drift away from the things I love doing the most!!!!
-Saturday I had fun...
Lorena and I went to the 7-11 and bought two big Pina Colada slurpees and put Bacardi in them... then decided to go to the mall. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Never again. We wanted to buy EVERYTHING IN SIGHT!!!
-After 2 weeks I FINALLY did laundry today. I've just been buying freakin' underware from wal-mart! hahaha.
-Me at work... feeling "warped" <---dork
-This is the only thing that Ive wanted since I was a kid....
-sigh- one day, one day....
-I wish I can pull off wearing white pants... but silly celi always getting dirty with something.
-If I can eat one dish for the rest of my life it would have to be Fresh Mozzerlla with Basil, Roma Tomatoes and Olive oil. YUM!!!! Im hungry now!
-Wow! I've actually only gone to the bathroom once since noon.
-Wow! Anna Nichole Smith looks EFFIN great!
-Of the moments:
SONG: "I wont share you"-The Smiths
MOVIE: Fever Pitch.... I think I am secretly in love with Drew.
SCENT: "Rockin' Rio" Escada YUM!
DRINK: ALWAYS FREAKIN' COFFEE! and hmmm I think I am craveing a 7&7!
FOOD: Basil.
TV SHOW: FAMILY GUY RULES!!!!!<---she yells this out while she's doing the effin running man!
FEMALE STAR CRUSH: 2 of them.... Charlize Theron and The red hair'd chick from "Las Vegas"-
MALE STAR CRUSH: Josh Duhamel from LasVegas!!! -sigh-
COLOR: Puter
SEAFOOD: Salmon!!!!
ARTICLE OF CLOTHING: My new p.j pants
QUOTE: IN A DIFFERENT LANGUAGE: "Amor Vincit Aomnia"-In old latin "Love conquers all"
-Well I hope you guys have a wondreful week. I <3 U!!!!

Heres my mom her hubby Eden and I at the River Wine walk.
-So about Eden... we both have things to work on. And we both know how we feel about each other. He's scared of giving himself to love..... as am I. We're taking it day by day. All I know is that I don't want to be without him. It is his skin that I want my soul to melt into. And only his!
-Speaking bout Eden... He got a new roommate. She has tons of tatts and is a stripper. I guess I met her before one drunk night. But I went over last night for dinner and the new
Simpsons/Family Guy and she hung out with us. She seems really cool. And she has a pure-breed Bulldog named Sheila, she's flippin' adorable!!!!!! Now, I don't care that she's his roommate. Just hopin' she's not like the other roommate he had.... she turned out to be crazy and wanted Eden and threaten'd him and well thats just a whole new story.

-I hate that sometimes I drift away from the things I love doing the most!!!!
-Saturday I had fun...

-After 2 weeks I FINALLY did laundry today. I've just been buying freakin' underware from wal-mart! hahaha.
-Me at work... feeling "warped" <---dork

-This is the only thing that Ive wanted since I was a kid....

-sigh- one day, one day....
-I wish I can pull off wearing white pants... but silly celi always getting dirty with something.

-If I can eat one dish for the rest of my life it would have to be Fresh Mozzerlla with Basil, Roma Tomatoes and Olive oil. YUM!!!! Im hungry now!
-Wow! I've actually only gone to the bathroom once since noon.
-Wow! Anna Nichole Smith looks EFFIN great!
-Of the moments:
SONG: "I wont share you"-The Smiths
MOVIE: Fever Pitch.... I think I am secretly in love with Drew.

SCENT: "Rockin' Rio" Escada YUM!
DRINK: ALWAYS FREAKIN' COFFEE! and hmmm I think I am craveing a 7&7!
FOOD: Basil.

TV SHOW: FAMILY GUY RULES!!!!!<---she yells this out while she's doing the effin running man!

FEMALE STAR CRUSH: 2 of them.... Charlize Theron and The red hair'd chick from "Las Vegas"-

MALE STAR CRUSH: Josh Duhamel from LasVegas!!! -sigh-
COLOR: Puter
SEAFOOD: Salmon!!!!
ARTICLE OF CLOTHING: My new p.j pants
QUOTE: IN A DIFFERENT LANGUAGE: "Amor Vincit Aomnia"-In old latin "Love conquers all"
-Well I hope you guys have a wondreful week. I <3 U!!!!
This is for your beautiful mother!