-*cough* fuck I cant get over this damn cough!
-had a good weekend. Im still drunk.
-So about Eden. We got into it on Friday night. "Celi... why dont you open up emotinally to me?" "Eden... why do you alienate me from your life sometimes?" But everything is flippin' great now. We both have to work on some things if we want to be together. He's just so flippin' mad that im leaving him for awhile. -sigh-
I had an epiphany Friday night while we were talking. "Eden I can say it now... IM IN LOVE WITH YOU!" <---that was hard for me to say. Dont know why. I realized that Im in love. That he makes me a better person. That I dont want to live without him. Ive gone through boys like underware... (couldnt commit) but now.... I just want to be with him. I am truly "crazy" for him... this guy that makes me such a sappy romantic cornball. This guy I was born to love!!!!!!!!!
drunk last night
So it's a Friday.....
-Yay! I am getting off in an hour and 20mins so I can go to a dinner for work. At some steakhouse... free booze/food! Although I really dont get along with most of the young females and I scare off the older ones... Im There!
-I was going to leave to So. Cal next week but I am waiting for Jessica to come down here that way I can just drive with her to Vegas and from Vegas take a plane to my dads. Plus my last day of work is on the 15th. I hate that im not taking my truck... but with my luck... the wheels will fall off or something.
So Im staying in Vegas for a couple of days (I have some family I havent seen in years) then off to see my daddy.
-OMG!!! I have a new favorite song...
"The Scientist" by Johnette Napolitano and Danny Lohner.
From the Wicker Park Soundtrack. Have you guys seen it? Its freakin' awsome!!!!! (Hey by the way... does anyone know how to put music on here like from my itune/quicktime/windos media if it is possible.)
-Wednesday night Anna and I finally convinced her boyfriend to go watch The Amytiville Horror flick. He is such a pansy!
It was a great movie. Im a big fan of the original ones!!! And boy did that Ryan have a great stomache or what? YUM!
After the movie we went back to Matts and we watched movies and ate and the whole night I kept scaring them!!! IM SO CRUEL!!!
Freakin' funny!
-My name is going to be ARACELI BARRERA RUIZ PICKENS-ARIAS Pickens is Matts last name and Arias is Annas. I thought about it and.... well Im just going to marry them. tee hee.
-Fuck... I have to clean out my drawer at work...
I hate that I tend to not throw things away!
-Im tired
(Celi falling asleep on her desk wearing her shades)<-DORK!
-So I lost 1 of my plugs (AGAIN) So you know what I have been using?
Yes I know...Im Ghetto using one of my marbels. Ha!
-I wanted to go see a Brazilian band playing tonight at some bar... but freakin' Anna lost her I.D. AGAIN! Thats like 4th one this year. I swear the DMV is going to think she's selling them to underage kids....
-I have to go urinate....
"Hold Please"
-K, Im back...
Albertsons Sting Cheese! YUMMMMMM!
-So.... about my last jounal... Im doing better. Anna has been the best person ever. I love annannannannananna! This visit with my father should be good for me. Get out of this town for awhile... My mother is more understanding about certain things... And I am improving on letting others know that i am not that strong. Than i can use help. Thanks Everyone!
-Now with Mr. Carter (Eden).... Thats a whole nother story. We got into it that night. Then Wednesday he doesnt even call me he texts me "Im going to be busy today tomorrow and friday... I'll call you when im free" WTF is that? So what you cant fucking call me these three days? Then Last night he texts me "Im at this Black tie Party... I miss you i miss you Im drunk" Im tired of it. When is enough enough? I've been patient with him, i never once told him to put me before his business, i have broken plans to be with him.. No more. I realized that i could be "in love" with him... so Im not going to sit here and wait for him to realize he wants/doesnt want to stay with me. Its going to be 2yrs this November.... aye what am i to do with him? We were suppose to have a talk today... but his little friend is comming into town and I want to talk to Eden when hes sober. So I'll let you know what happens.
-My boss is sad that I am leaving.... guess he has to work now!
-Im debating if i should pay bills/eat or get my chest piece
-God!!! When is it going to be fucking summer????????
From me to you...
-*cough* fuck I cant get over this damn cough!
-had a good weekend. Im still drunk.
-So about Eden. We got into it on Friday night. "Celi... why dont you open up emotinally to me?" "Eden... why do you alienate me from your life sometimes?" But everything is flippin' great now. We both have to work on some things if we want to be together. He's just so flippin' mad that im leaving him for awhile. -sigh-


So it's a Friday.....
-Yay! I am getting off in an hour and 20mins so I can go to a dinner for work. At some steakhouse... free booze/food! Although I really dont get along with most of the young females and I scare off the older ones... Im There!

-I was going to leave to So. Cal next week but I am waiting for Jessica to come down here that way I can just drive with her to Vegas and from Vegas take a plane to my dads. Plus my last day of work is on the 15th. I hate that im not taking my truck... but with my luck... the wheels will fall off or something.

-OMG!!! I have a new favorite song...
"The Scientist" by Johnette Napolitano and Danny Lohner.
From the Wicker Park Soundtrack. Have you guys seen it? Its freakin' awsome!!!!! (Hey by the way... does anyone know how to put music on here like from my itune/quicktime/windos media if it is possible.)
-Wednesday night Anna and I finally convinced her boyfriend to go watch The Amytiville Horror flick. He is such a pansy!
It was a great movie. Im a big fan of the original ones!!! And boy did that Ryan have a great stomache or what? YUM!

-My name is going to be ARACELI BARRERA RUIZ PICKENS-ARIAS Pickens is Matts last name and Arias is Annas. I thought about it and.... well Im just going to marry them. tee hee.
-Fuck... I have to clean out my drawer at work...

-Im tired

(Celi falling asleep on her desk wearing her shades)<-DORK!
-So I lost 1 of my plugs (AGAIN) So you know what I have been using?

Yes I know...Im Ghetto using one of my marbels. Ha!

-I wanted to go see a Brazilian band playing tonight at some bar... but freakin' Anna lost her I.D. AGAIN! Thats like 4th one this year. I swear the DMV is going to think she's selling them to underage kids....
-I have to go urinate....

"Hold Please"
-K, Im back...

-So.... about my last jounal... Im doing better. Anna has been the best person ever. I love annannannannananna! This visit with my father should be good for me. Get out of this town for awhile... My mother is more understanding about certain things... And I am improving on letting others know that i am not that strong. Than i can use help. Thanks Everyone!
-Now with Mr. Carter (Eden).... Thats a whole nother story. We got into it that night. Then Wednesday he doesnt even call me he texts me "Im going to be busy today tomorrow and friday... I'll call you when im free" WTF is that? So what you cant fucking call me these three days? Then Last night he texts me "Im at this Black tie Party... I miss you i miss you Im drunk" Im tired of it. When is enough enough? I've been patient with him, i never once told him to put me before his business, i have broken plans to be with him.. No more. I realized that i could be "in love" with him... so Im not going to sit here and wait for him to realize he wants/doesnt want to stay with me. Its going to be 2yrs this November.... aye what am i to do with him? We were suppose to have a talk today... but his little friend is comming into town and I want to talk to Eden when hes sober. So I'll let you know what happens.
-My boss is sad that I am leaving.... guess he has to work now!

-Im debating if i should pay bills/eat or get my chest piece

-God!!! When is it going to be fucking summer????????
From me to you...

Hope all went/goes well with Eden and "the talk."
My weekend was great, shitty, GREAT, fuckin' boring, really shitty, GREAT. Yeah, like that....
Take care.
Jeeze....i'm so sappy sometimes.