well the show last night was awsome!!!! there was four bands, it was The Sleeping, Escape the Fate, Atreyu, and Hollywood Undead. The Sleeping rocked everyones socks off. Escape the Fate pissed me off. I really wanted to hear Not Good Enough For The Truth In Cliche and they didn't play it! they only played one song that I liked and that was there first song Situations. One of the guitarists really upset me. He snitched on the former lead vocalist for the light drugs that he was using when they all were using drug a lot worse than what the lead vocalist was using. later the gutiarists boyfriend became the new lead vocalist. now the new lead vocalist is trying to be just like the former lead vocalist. it really uspset me, but anyway, on with the review. Atreyu was awsome! straight up, no other way to put it. The crowd became alive when they came out. Everyone was pushing and shoving tryign to get to the front (where i was!!!!) it was great. Then came the headliner, Hollywood Undead, I can't really say anything about there show exept i would travel to the other side of the world to see them if that was all the closer they were coming to where i live! They fuckin' rocked!!!! it was better than i imagined was possible.I have to see them again and soon! 

no, you are gone 

Welcome back.