Well, I had hoped to be able to regail you all with tidbits about my last week or so, but alas, the worst possible event happened this morning. My Guneia pig Button died in my arms at the vets of a respiritory illness, she was 5 and 3/4. I knew her litterally all her life, he mother was my first Guneia pig Ariel who was pregnant when we bought her. on october 10 1999 Button and her sister Daisy (the only one left now) were born, they were fully furred, eyes wide open and about half the size of a hamster. RIP
Well, to better events. Putrefy and Arcane Promotions are both linking to my photo site Eye of Horus which is very nice and gives me a reason to do a revamp of the site when I get back to uni. The new Opeth album is indeed excelent (Reverie/Harlequin Forest is one of the best songs they've done IMHO) and they were stunning live pictures here. If you don't know who Opeth are then go check them out here. I spent 5 days in Rotherham with my better half having agreed to go with her to the Stereophonics (not my taste at all, but she enjoyed them and thats what counts) and we watched a lot of Family Guy and American Dad. Moving back to Uni on Saturday which'll be great.
Hope you're all doing well
EDIT: Negura Bunget have just brightened things up by informing me that they are definitely playing in London, they had a few problems getting a venue but think they've got one now.

Well, to better events. Putrefy and Arcane Promotions are both linking to my photo site Eye of Horus which is very nice and gives me a reason to do a revamp of the site when I get back to uni. The new Opeth album is indeed excelent (Reverie/Harlequin Forest is one of the best songs they've done IMHO) and they were stunning live pictures here. If you don't know who Opeth are then go check them out here. I spent 5 days in Rotherham with my better half having agreed to go with her to the Stereophonics (not my taste at all, but she enjoyed them and thats what counts) and we watched a lot of Family Guy and American Dad. Moving back to Uni on Saturday which'll be great.
Hope you're all doing well

EDIT: Negura Bunget have just brightened things up by informing me that they are definitely playing in London, they had a few problems getting a venue but think they've got one now.
You're absolutely right: they keep growing. It's the mark of a truly great band: to evolve and continually put out quality material. As a counter, does a new In Flames album promise anything different from its predecessor? Doubt it.
Otherwise and aside, I don't think that Viva Emptiness is their best, like a lot of people feel. To me they concentrated too much on making it heavy, which ended in them ultimately negelecting the melodic brilliance! Said brilliance is why I love LFDGD: it's simply hard to get those songs out of your head. And when LFDGD came out, Blakkheim said something indicative of the maturation we are talking about: "Rock people are going to call us metal and metal people are going to call us rock."
Can't wait to hear the one they just recorded!